Top 10k strings from Tasword (demo) (1982)(Tasman Software).tap in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   2 tasword   
   2  Tasman Software 1982                                                     Welcome!                                            You have just loaded the Tasworddemonstration  tape.  You    arelooking at some  text  that  hasbeen typed using Tasword.                                       Press  the  
   2  Tasman Software 1982    
   2   key  on  yourSpectrum and you  will  see  theflashing cursor that is  at  thetop of the screen  move  down  aline. Keep pressing 
   1 ~|\{} CAPS+SYMBOL SHIFT:normal mode   
   1 w  Ready to clear the text file  Are you sure?Press  y  for yesn  for no
   1 together.  To  get  back    intonormal  mode  press  both  shiftkeys  again.  Press  both  shiftkeys now to enter Extended  Modeand then come back  into  normalmode.                                                             When Tasword  is  in  ExtendedMode  pressing  
   1 to remove the XXX in  the  aboveparagraph  then  you  will  havespoilt the justification of  theparagraph.  This  will    happenquite often as  you  change  andcorrect  your  text  and  it  isnothing to worry about as it  isvery easy to rejustify text.                                      This     is   a paragraph     which                           has been             changed a  lot and is a        mess.       Position the cursor in the      first line of this paragraph,   press 
   1 to  reform  the  paragraph.  Tryusing 
   1 etc).These are  "Control  Keys".  Thewhite markings above the  numberkeys are  also  Tasword  ControlKeys.                                                             We will now see  how  you  canuse the Tasword Control Keys  toedit text that  has  been  typedin.                                                               Please experiment as  much  asyou like  -  you  cannot  damageanything and you still have  theprogram on tape. Enjoy yourself!                                
   1 demo      
   1 control key  then  you  want  toknow the control key that  takesyou back to the beginning of thetext file.                                                        The control key that takes youto the  beginning  of  the  textfile is 
   1 These lines would be printed  atdoble height.                   
   1 Stop Pressing 
   1 EDIT ----- help page            CAPS LOCK- caps lock on/off     TRUE VIDEO normal characters    INV. VIDEO inverse characters   ARROWS --- cursor movement      GRAPHICS - graphics on/off      DELETE --- delete character     <= ------- move line left       <> ------- centre line          >= ------- move line right      AND ------ insert line/characterOR ------- goto end of file     AT ------- goto start of file   STOP ----- load/save text file  NOT ------ delete line          STEP ----- reform to end of paraTO ------- scroll down          THEN ----- scroll up            ENTER ---- start of next line   CAPS+SYMBOL SHIFT:extended mode 
   1 EDIT - help page                ARROWS cursor movement                                          F ---- fast scroll down         G ---- fast scroll up                                           L ---- large printing ON marker K ---- large printing OFF marker                                J ---- justify line             H ---- unjustify line           W ---- word-wrap on / off                                       P ---- print text file          R ---- replace or find text     X ---- clear text file                                          SYMBOL SHIFT & KEY for []
   1 ;"with (just ENTER for find only)":
   1 ;"type word to be replaced / found"
   1 ;"just a word - no spaces allowed":
   1 ;"Stop the tape":
   1 ;"Do NOT stop the tape";
   1 ;" Do NOT stop the tape ";:
   1 :                                                  **** **** **** ??????? **** **** ______________________________                                   The Extended Mode 
   1 . The printer  willstart and the text on the screenwill scroll. It is the top  lineof text on the  screen  that  isbeing printed at any time.  Thislets you see the text before  itis printed.                                                       The printing  will  stop  whenthere is no text left to print.                                   A message at the bottom of thescreen will remind you that  youcan press the 
   1 .                                                  (3) To insert a  letter  into  aword put  the  cursor  over  thecharacter to the  right  of  thenew character position and press
   1 .                                                    MAKE  SURE  THAT  YOU  ARE  INNORMAL MODE: The bottom line  ofthe  display  should   not    beflashing. Press both shift  keysif it is.                                                         We'll learn about the ExtendedMode control keys  later.  Firstwe'll find out about  the  othernormal mode control keys.        ______________________________                                   
   1 .                                                      Tasword Replaces or Finds fromthe current cursor  position  soyou will often want to  positionthe cusor in the  correct  place(usually to the beginning of thetext  file  using  
   1 .                                                            (2) To insert a word between twowords  put  the  cursor  in  thespace between the relevant wordsand press 
   1 .                                                              
   1 .                                     
   1 , type "good" andpress 
   1 )    beforeentering Extended Mode.                                           Try using  the  find  facilitynow to find the word:                                                         good                                              Use 
   1 (Symbol  Shift  F)   and    keeppressing 
   1 (Caps Shift  3).  The  "inverse"message at  the  bottom  of  thescreen will disappear.           ______________________________                                   The 
   1  will usually  destroy  thejustification  of  a  paragraph.Remember that you can  use  
   1  until you come to  amessage telling you to stop.                                      You will have discovered  that
   1  until you  seethe next "Stop" message.                                             
   1  twice.  Don't  worryabout  a  short   delay    whileTasword looks for the  word.  Doit now! Good luck!                                                When  you  pressed  
   1  to scroll back  a  fewscreenfuls and then use  
   1  to scroll  up  a  fewlines (you can use  auto-repeat:just keep 
   1  to go to the beginning ofthe text  file,  enter  ExtendedMode, press 
   1  to go back to  whereyou were in the text  file.  Try
   1  to  remove  thequestion  marks  in  the    linebelow, then enter Extended  Modeand press 
   1  now.                                                         There  is  another  help  pagecalled the "Extended Mode"  helppage. To see this help page  use
   1  now by holding  Symbol  Shiftdown and pressing the U key.                                      If you have come back from theend of the text  file  press  
   1  now and a message willappear  at  the  bottom  of  thescreen  to  remind   you    thatinverse    characters  would  betyped  if  you  were  using  theproper program.                                                   To  return  to  typing  normalcharacters   press    
   1  means hold Caps Shift  downand press the 1 key.                                              The first key we will learn touse is the 
   1  keys to  move  the  above"Stop Scrolling"  message  firstto the right side of the  screenand then back to the left  side.Then scroll on down.             ______________________________                                   A useful key which  saves  youreferring  to  the  manual   toooften is 
   1  keygives "Fast Scroll Down".                                         A    "Fast    Scroll"    meansscrolling 22 lines at a  time  -an  entire  screenful.  It    isuseful for  finding  a  part  ofyour text quickly or for a quickreview of your text. Try it  nowby entering  Extended  Mode  andusing 
   1  key.  ______________________________                                   Tasman  hopes  that  you  havefound this Tasword demonstrationprogram    informative       andenjoyable.                                                        You may appreciate now  how  aword processor can  be  used  totype  a  letter  or  any   otherdocument. The text can  be  kepton tape and  is  easily  changedwithout having  to  re-type  allthe text.                        ______________________________                                   Tasword will  grow  with  yourSpectrum. Enhanced versions willservice the Microdrives and  theRS232 Interface. This  interfacewill allow you to  connect  yourSpectrum to other printers.  TheTasword enhancement  will  allowyou to  reformat  your  text  toother  than  32  characters  perline.                                                             These  Tasword    enhancementswill be  available  to  existingTasword    users    at      verysubstantial    discounts    overadvertised prices.      
   1  key.  The  messageat the bottom of the screen willchange.                                                           To turn the word-wrap back  onre-enter Extended Mode and pressthe 
   1  key.                                  See if you  can  insert  thesemessages so that this  paragraphwould be printed out  at  doubleheight.                          ______________________________                                   To remove the "print at doubleheight on/off" messages use  thenormal mode 
   1  key.                                                To obtain the "print at doubleheight off" message  follow  thesame  procedure  but  when    inExtended Mode press the 
   1  key to abandonthe printing.                                                     This  demonstration    programdoes not allow printing.         ______________________________                                   You can enter Extended Mode toReplace  or  Find   text.    TheExtended Mode control key to  dothis is 
   1  key moves the text thatis to the right  of  the  cursorright  one  character  position.The 
   1  key moves the  text  thatis to the  left  of  the  cursorleft  one  character   position.These keys have no effect if thetext is up against the  side  ofthe screen.                                                       Study  the    above    wordingcarefully  and  then  use    thecursor moving keys  and  the  
   1  key gives"Fast Scroll Up" and the 
   1  key centres text in themiddle of the  screen.  You  aregoing to learn how to use 
   1  key again.               ______________________________                                   To print your text file onto aZX printer enter  Extended  Modeand press 
   1  key (Symbol  Shift  S)deletes the line that the cursoris on. See if you can use it  todelete  the  above  line    thatshould not be there.             ______________________________                                   
   1  key  hasthe    opposite    effect:    itunjustifies the  line  that  thecursor is on. See  what  happensby unjustifying the  line  abovethat you have just justified.    ______________________________                                   You will have noticed  by  nowthat the left  hand  message  atthe bottom of the  screen  tellsyou the  line  number  that  thecursor is  on.  The  right  handmessage  reminds  you  that  youpress 
   1  is used to insert text  inthree different ways:                                           (1) To insert a blank  line  putthe cursor at the  beginning  ofthe line which is to be the lineafter the new line.  Then  press
   1  is opposite to 
   1  for  the  help  page.The centre message usually tellsyou that the automatic word-wrapand    right-justification    isturned on. To turn word-wrap offenter    Extended    Mode    andpress the 
   1  facility isnot    available    in      thisdemonstration program.           ______________________________  ______________________________                                                                           EXTENDED MODE                   
   1  down to get back to  whereyou were in the text.)                                          
   1  control key.     ______________________________                                   In Extended Mode the  
   1  control key (CapsShift 9) is  used  to  type  thegraphics characters  printed  onthe number keys 1 to 8.                                           Press 
   1  control  key  (symbolShift A) is mainly used to save,load,  and  merge  text   files.Tasword prompts you through  theoptions and operations when  youpress 
   1  becauseit  scrolls  the   display    upthrough the  text  file  towardsthe beginning.                                                    Use 
   1  again.  Do  thisnow and you will  see  that  themessage at  the  bottom  of  thescreen is removed.               ______________________________                                   
   1  again to scroll backdown past this STOP message:                                                                          
   1  again  to  get  the  normalmode help page  and  then  press
   1  Tasman Software 1982.         '
   1  Stop Scrolling 
   1  Stop Pressing 
   1  STOP pressing 
   1  EDIT for Help                                 
   1  EDIT for Help
   1  (Symbol Shift I). Useit  now.  (When  you're  at  thebeginning of the file again hold
   1  (Symbol Shift D),    and watch what happens. 
   1  (Caps Shift 1).  Ahelp page is  displayed  on  thescreen  when  
   1  (Caps Shift 0)  keyis useful for removing  unwantedcharacters  and  for  correctingtyping  mistakes  as  they   aremade. It deletes  the  characterunder the cursor. Use it now  todelete the unwanted XXX  lettersin this sentence.                ______________________________                                   If you have just  used  
   1  (Caps  Shift  3)  isused to type inverse  (white  onblack)    characters.      Press
   1  (Caps  Shift  1)to see the  Extended  Mode  helppage. Try it now  and  then  getback into normal  mode  so  thatyou can scroll on down.          ______________________________                                   You can move the cursor  whileTasword is in Extended  Mode  byusing the Arrow Keys (Caps Shift5, 6, 7, and 8) in just the sameway as when Tasword is in normalmode.                            ______________________________                                   All the remaing Extended  Modecontrol key actions are obtainedby pressing  a  single  key  andwe'll see now  what  these  keysdo.                              ______________________________                                   You can enter Extended Mode to"Fast Scroll" up or down throughthe text file. The 
   1  "scrolls"  the  display  downthrough the text file.                                            
   1   untilyou see a message that tells youto stop.                                                          A word processing program letsyou use  your  computer  like  atypewriter. You will see as  youwork through this  demonstrationtext file that Tasword lets  youmanipulate  your  text  in  waysthat are difficult or impossibleon a typewriter.                                                  In the proper Tasword  programthe flashing cursor shows  whereyour  next  character  will   betyped.                                                            You cannot type text with thisdemonstration program  so  carryon pressing 
   1   untilyou see a message that tells youto stop.                        
   1   toget back to here. Then  re-enternormal mode.                     ______________________________                                 
   1   threetimes watching what happens eachtime you press it. (Scroll  pastthe  message  after  you    havecentered it.)                                                   
   1   thesecond time.                                                      You may like to try this  now,replacing for example:                                                       Tasword                                            (capital T) with:                                                  Tasword the word processor                                   You  will  see  Tasword  workingthrough  the  file  doing    thereplacement and rejustifying thetext. There  will  be  a  slightdelay when Tasword  reaches  theend  of  the  text  before   thecursor  reappears  at  the  lastcharacter  position.  You   willthen  have  to  scroll  back  tohere. Do a replacement now -  itgives  you  a  break  and  makesTasword do some work!            ______________________________                                   The last Extended Mode controlkey is the key that  clears  thetext file. This is the 
   1   thesecond time just  now  you  weretelling Tasword  that  you  justwanted  to  find    the    firstoccurrence  of  your   specifiedword.    To    replace     everyoccurrence of a given word  fromthe current cursor position withanother word or group  of  words(32  characters  or  less)   youshould  type  your   replacementtext before pressing  
   1   sets  the  capitalslock. Press  
   1   puts   theExtended Mode help page onto thescreen. Confirm  this  by  goinginto  Extended  Mode  again  andpressing 
   1   now  to  see  how  itworks.                           ______________________________                                   The 
   1   now  andyou will see a  message  at  thebottom of the screen (above  theline number) which is  there  toremind  you  that  the  capitalslock is set. If you  were  usingthe proper program every  lettertyped would  now  be  a  capitalletter.                                                           Capital letters are also typedby holding  the  
   1   means  hold  SymbolShift down and press the W  key;
   1   keyjustifies  the  line  that   thecursor is on. To see  what  thismeans use 
   1   keydown  and  pressing  the  letterkey.                                                              To  turn  capitals  lock   offpress 
   1   key.  This  takesyou to the end of the text.  Try
   1   is  pressed.When a help  page  is  displayedpress 
   1   held  down)  andthen use 
   1   bycentering the  "Stop  Scrolling"message that you should now  seeat the bottom of the screen.                                      Use the cursor  moving  arrows(Caps Shift 5, 6, 7, and  8)  tomove the cursor to the top  lineof  the  box   containing    themessage.  Then  press  
   1   atthe same time. The  bottom  lineof the screen flashes to  remindyou that Tasword is in  ExtendedMode. To get  back  into  normalmode press both the  shift  keystogether again.                                                   When Tasword  is  in  ExtendedMode press 
   1   atthe  same  time.  Do  it    now,remembering  to  use  
   1   and  you  willsee a message at the  bottom  ofthe screen  reminding  you  that"Graphics" is on.  If  you  wereusing  the  proper  program  youwould now get a graphics symbolsif you pressed number keys.      ______________________________ 
   1   again  to  turngraphics  off  and  remove   themessage at  the  bottom  of  thescreen.                          ______________________________                                   The easiest way to  correct  amis-typed character  is  to  usethe  arrows  to  position    thecursor over the character.  Thenpress the required key.                                           The 
   1    toreturn to this text.                                              The "Extended Mode" help  pagegives  a  brief  description  ofwhat some of the  keys  do  whenTasword is in Extended Mode. Youcan  tell  when  Tasword  is  inextended mode: the  bottom  lineof the display flashes.  To  putTasword into Extended Mode press
   1    and    
   1     reforms from the         line   containing the cursor   to      the end of the paragraph.        ______________________________                                   This line should not be here.                                   The 
   1                                   This is an example of how  youcan build  up  "pictures"  usingthe graphics symbols.            ______________________________                                   Press 
   1                                   The  text  that  follows    isextracted  from  Tasword   Tutorwhich is supplied  on  the  sametape  as  the  proper    Taswordprogram.                                                          The control keys are  referredto  by  inverse  letters.    Forexample: 
   1                                   If  you  printed   out    thisdemonstration text file on  yourZX printer the above  two  lineswould be printed out  at  doubleheight. The messages in  inverseare  control  messages  to   theprinter and would not themselvesbe printed.                                                       To obtain the "print at doubleheight on message" put the cusorat the beginning  of  the  firstline to  be  printed  at  doubleheight, enter Extended Mode, andpress the 
   1                                      The red markings  on  some  ofthe letter keys are  not  singlecharacters  but  are  words   ordouble characters (
   1                                            As  you  found  out    earlierTasword has an  "Extended  Mode"which  is  entered  by  pressing
   1                                                 The 
   1                                                                       When  text  is  being    typedTasword word-wraps automaticallyat the end of  each  line.  Thismeans that if your last word  ona line does  not  fit  onto  theline  then  the  whole  word  istransferred to the beginning  ofthe next line.                    Tasword  also    automaticallyjustifies  each  line  that   istyped  by    inserting    spacesbetween the words  to  give  thetext the neat appearance you seehere.  Tasword  keeps  the  textneat  and  leaves  you  free  toconcentrate on the keyboard.      Now continue pressing 
   1                                                                         Keep scrolling until  you  seethe  next    "Stop    Scrolling"message.                                                          The 